What is Ahsuite Client Portals? Features, Plans

What is Ahsuite Client Portals?

What is Ahsuite Client Portals? Features, Plans

Ahsuite Client Portals is a software platform that allows businesses to create and manage online portals for their clients. These portals can be used to communicate with clients, share documents, manage tasks and projects, and access resources and tools. Ahsuite Client Portals is designed to be user-friendly and customizable, making it easy for businesses to create and manage their own client portals.

How to use Ahsuite Client Portals?

To use Ahsuite Client Portals, follow these steps:

  • Sign up for an account on the Ahsuite Client Portals website.
  • Customize the layout and design of your client portal to match your brand.
  • Invite your clients to access the portal by sending them a link or invitation.
  • Use the various tools and features of the portal to communicate with your clients, share documents, manage tasks and projects, and access resources and tools.
  • Monitor and analyze the usage of your client portal to understand how it is being used and to make improvements as needed.
  • Use the built-in security features to keep your client portal safe and secure.

Remember to regularly update and maintain your client portal to ensure that it remains useful and relevant to your clients.

Is Ahsuite Client Portals Free?

Yes, Ahsuite Client Portals offers a free plan with, 

  • Embed anything in a client portal.
  • Up to 3 Clients.
  • Upgrade to 300 clients for $8/month.

Their paid plans are


  • Embed anything in a client portal.
  • Up to 500 clients.
  • Tasks Management.
  • Files Management.
  • Password Manager.


  • White Label with Custom Domain.
  • 20 Sub-Accounts for Your Employees.
  • And all that $30 plan have.

Ahsuite Client Portals offers a free trial. You must try.

Visit Ahsuite.com

How to earn money by using Ahsuite Client Portals?

There are several ways in which businesses can earn money by using Ahsuite Client Portals:

Charge a fee for access to the client portal: Businesses can charge their clients a fee to access the client portal and use its various features and tools. This can be done through a one-time payment or through a subscription model.

Sell products or services through the client portal: Businesses can use the client portal as a platform to sell products or services directly to their clients. This can be done through an e-commerce feature or by providing links to external websites where clients can make purchases.

Upsell additional features or services: Businesses can use the client portal to upsell additional features or services to their clients. This could include premium versions of the client portal, consulting services, or training programs.

Advertise products or services: Businesses can use the client portal to advertise products or services to their clients. This can be done through banner ads, sponsored content, or other forms of advertising.

Remember to carefully consider how you will monetize your client portal in order to maximize its potential to generate income for your business

What features and tools are included in Ahsuite Client Portals?

They provide professional features and tools such as

  • Reports and Presentations - No need to keep sending links over email. Easily embed Data Studio dashboards, Google Slides, and videos right in your client portals.
  • Tasks - Ahsuite tasks have everything you need to manage complex projects: checklists, templates, labels, dependencies, attachments, calendar view, and more.
  • Password Management - Ahsuite's encrypted password manager makes it easy to share passwords with only the people who need them.
  • Work Journals help your team keep track of who did what when with timestamped log entries.
  • Secure Messaging - Send encrypted group messages with reply by email. Ahsuite keeps all your client and team communication organized.

Is Ahsuite Client Portals available for purchase or only through a subscription model?

Ahsuite Client Portals is only available for subscription model. 

How easy is it to customize the layout and design of the client portal to match a business's brand?

In my opinion I will rate 9 out of 10 for its easy to use interface. If you check its review on Google its 4.4, 4.5, 4.8 . That means it is really a great Client Portals.

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